Books I’ve read (or listened to) in order of Importance / Favorite-ness (that should be a word). Although I have to admit the top 20 are pretty much all of equal importance to me. Why? Because each one opened up my mind and thought processes. Why would you want that? Well, I figure you are either dead or enjoying the ride as you learn new things. I prefer the latter. My attitude is glean something useful out of everything you experience. So... Pick any of the top 20 and get reading! (revised 6/28/2012)
• Barry Schwartz Paradox of Choice
(+ heard on TED) - fantastic book and funny author
• Malcolm Gladwell Tipping Point
(+ heard on TED) - everyone should read all Malcolm Gladwell books. I think I wish I were a maven...
• Malcolm Gladwell Blink - doesn't take much for the inside sense to give us plenty of info
• Malcolm Gladwell Outliers - "outliers" aka "Gifted person"
• Malcolm Gladwell What the Dog Saw - I now feel free to color my hair if I ever have the yen.
• Daniel Gilbert Stumbling on Happiness (+ heard on TED) - take home message- not everyone is satiable
• Jill Bolte Taylor My Stroke of Insight (+ heard on TED) - my heart remains in empathy for those in medical need
• Robert Sutton The No Asshole Rule- eye-opener on bossiness and its ramifications, must read for employees AND for employers
• Kathryn Schulz: Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error - to err is human and may be necessary in life
• Ori and Rom Brafman: Sway The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior - eye opening on what sways us, what affects us unbeknownst to us
• Geoff Colvin Talent is Overrated - perfect practice makes perfect
• T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth- 3 huge things I got from this book: your money blueprint may be hindering you, appreciate the good things and write them down daily, and educate yourself (read, go to seminars, etc.) (Kind of like what this book list is all about!)
• Daniel Pink A Whole New Mind, Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future - innovation not SAT scores!
• T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth- 3 huge things I got from this book: your money blueprint may be hindering you, appreciate the good things and write them down daily, and educate yourself (read, go to seminars, etc.) (Kind of like what this book list is all about!)
• Daniel Pink A Whole New Mind, Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future - innovation not SAT scores!
• Daniel Pink Drive - what makes us tick and keep on going?
• Dan Ariely: The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home
• Sheena Iyengar: Art of Choosing- an amazing woman, good science citations, interesting how our cultural backgrounds determine if we like the freedom of choice or if we like choices made for us, conservatives want individualism where anyone can succeed, but to what avail? without the benefits of collectivism, only a few can succeed because most can't afford to have often even the basics.
• Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett- Lead with LUV- It's been 3 months since I read this and I am still feeling it's effect.
• Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett- Lead with LUV- It's been 3 months since I read this and I am still feeling it's effect.
best thing I've read in a long while. It's okay to use a loving style in leadership. See the best in everyone around you, up or down the chain of authority. I LUV this book!
• Alice Domar Be Happy Without Being Perfect: How to Break Free from the Perfection Deception- yay, I'm not OCD, just a sad perfectionist. If you can hear her speak, she's great.
• Jon Kabat-Zinn The Full Catastrophe- This is a chapter by chapter how to become more in control of your crazy old life through mindfulness. It's not if you have stress, it's how you deal with it.
• Steven Levy In the Plex - great style of writing and nice unfolding into some optimistic big picture thinkers.
• Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture
• Alice Domar Be Happy Without Being Perfect: How to Break Free from the Perfection Deception- yay, I'm not OCD, just a sad perfectionist. If you can hear her speak, she's great.
• Jon Kabat-Zinn The Full Catastrophe- This is a chapter by chapter how to become more in control of your crazy old life through mindfulness. It's not if you have stress, it's how you deal with it.
• Steven Levy In the Plex - great style of writing and nice unfolding into some optimistic big picture thinkers.
• Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture
• Chris Chabris and Dan Simons The Invisible Gorilla: and Other Ways our Intuitions Deceive us - no soft science! (right, like that's going to happen. Besides, soft science feels so good)
• Dan Ariely Predictably Irrational (I liked his second book better and I think his TED presentations are the best) - it's crazy what we will do no matter how irrational.
• Tom Friedman Hot, Flat and Crowded - Flat means we are living a la mediocre, combine with Daniel Pink's idea and we should be heavily supporting kids to be innovative and exploratory, not just good test takers