Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Purpose of this blog- to share great books


I like reading (or listening to) books and speeches that open my mind. It all started with Malcolm Gladwell back in 2008 (or so). Since then, I've used the wonderful Santa Cruz library system and Amazon to keep me going. The books I tend to choose are ones that make me realize I am a sentient being and that I am part of a whole. Dan Ariely calls it Behavioral Economics. I look at the shelves at bookstores under psychology, business, self-improvement, and politics. I also like sharing ideas... my goal is to write about how each book opened my mind. (We will see when I take the handwritten notes I have and put them on this blog- give me a year, I guess.)

Click on BOOKLIST at the top of this page to see the books in order of preference. (or click here)

Click on Full List to see the books alphabetically arranged and my wishlist. (or click here)

(This blog was first started on 1/7/2010 at 12:19AM.) (I update my list as I read/listen to more books.)