Sunday, May 6, 2012

~Thank you 15-Minute Miracle~

Today, I can happily say that the 15-minute miracle system really works.

Ask and you shall receive. Think happy and look past yucky. Write out what you want. BE THANKFUL. Stick with it. TRUST. Take care of yourself. Let yourself dream. As the Four Agreements say, "be impeccable with your words".

A few years back, I did the daily journaling for 60 days in my 15-minute miracle workbook. I then journaled weekly, then during crazy times where re-focusing was an order, and then monthly.
So three years later: more than 50 pounds lost, dancing with easy and enthusiasm 3+ hours/week at Zumba, received a work promotion,  presented and published in my field of work, and so much more.

Combine the 15-minute miracle with Abraham-Hicks goodies, and voila!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.