Sunday, June 3, 2012

Feel good... attract well-being...

As a doctor and a teacher I try to practice loving kindness every day with people I encounter. Here are a couple of messages from one of my favorite inspirational speakers- Abraham-Hicks with Ester Hicks:

1) In terms of mistakes and perfection- You never get it done and you never get it wrong.

2) In terms of regret- You can't go back and make all the unmade beds of your past. Start today.

3) In terms of being faced with "what is" which must be true and deserving of your full attention- try to focus on what makes you feel better. Remember that nothing is more important than how I feel right now. It's okay to care more about feeling good right now than about "what is".

4) In terms of sadness- which feels better anger or sadness? Anger can sometimes feel like a gust of fresh air when compared to depression or sadness. So if it feels better, then go for it... write it down, yell it, get it out of you. It's like an emotional timeline... feeling anger feels closer to hopeful and then later on happiness. Go for the feeling or thought that makes your feel better than where you are now in this moment. 

5) In terms of empathy- Sometimes we think we need to worry about others but sadly you being poor or thinking about how someone is poor isn't going to help anybody else being rich. Replace "poor" with sick. We need to see ourselves and everyone around us in their healthy state as much as we can. We also cannot carry everyone else. We need to be strong first. Don't sprain your ankle helping a friend who sprained her ankle on a long hike because then both of you will be unable to get anywhere. It is okay to be "selfish" and to not get entrenched in other people's issues. This one is a big one to digest and one of the hardest for us doctor/teacher types.

6) In terms of how to refuel yourself- It takes 15 minutes to visualize well-being. Take that bath or shower. Take that extra nap. Read or watch that funny cartoon. Sip that sweet herbal tea. Switch the energy inside... and then close your eyes and focus on lovely things that may be far from "what-is". A prayer or thought of appreciation is far more helpful than a prayer of worry.
Okay, so remember to see yourself as whole and beautiful. If you have a painful spot, thank it for all the good feelings it has given you through all your years so far. Ask this spot to forgive you for forgetting how wonderful it really is at its core essence and for thinking of it as ill. Be the wellness you want to be.

Cyber hug,
Dr. Lew 

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